research design laboratory


Nowadays, we have access to a multitude of digital services offering to provide us unique, compelling, and useful ways of collecting different pieces of our information. Each of these services and the information they collect are often awkwardly piggy-backed on to each-other, providing a semblance of interconnectivity. Meanwhile, Google and Facebook are vying to be the overarching entities that each of these 3rd party services can plug into. How the information that these monoliths have allowed us to gather in one place is prioritised and displayed, is in most instances predetermined for the user. Other than the obvious issue that having all our information gathered by one of these ubiquitous social networking entities elicits, privacy, they also overlook pehaps the most important aspect of how we organize our information - design. 

How information is presented is in many ways as important as the information itself. Facebook and Google may battle for our hearts and our information, but neither is adequatley equiped to curate our digital identities. The only entity capable of such a task, is the individual themself. Because only I could possibly know what information is of value to me and only I know how I want that information to be presented.

